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Peter N. Herrington 1928-2018

Longtime PCMS member and surgeon Peter Nevin Herrington MD passed away January 26, 2018. He was 89 Herrington was born on May 11, 1928 in Montreal. He received his medical school degree from McGill University in Montreal in 1954 and…

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Pedro L. Escobar 1938-2018

Pedro Escobar MD, former Medical Director of the St. Mary’s Rehabilitation Center and member of the PCMS Board of Directors, passed away on January 29, 2018. He was 79. Born August 15, 1938 in Cali Valle, Columbia, Escobar attended medical…

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Thomas D. Boyer 1943-2018

Thomas Boyer MD, Director of the Liver Research Institute at the University of Arizona and PCMS member, succumbed to cancer on January 11, 2018. He was 74. Boyer was born October 10, 1943. He graduated from medical school at the…

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