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Marvin Weisbard, MD 1928-2017

Marvin Weisbard, MD, Tucson psychiatrist and neurologist, died August 12, 2017. He had just celebrated turning 88. Born August 10, 1928, in New York, New York, Weisbard started practicing psychiatry in Tucson in 1969 after completing an internship and residency…

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Be prepared for PMP!

After the Arizona Board of Pharmacy announced that the Arizona Controlled Substance Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) is now integrated with Health Current, the statewide health information exchange, the monitoring program will take effect October 16. Authorities say PMP is an important…

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ADHS issues opioid reporting update

Gov. Doug Ducey has extended the reporting of opioid-related data by renewing his June 13 executive order requiring physicians to report through MEDSIS suspected opioid overdoses, suspected opioid deaths and neonatal abstinence syndrome. Recently the governor expanded the requirements to…

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