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AZ KidsCare Threatened
Funding for Arizona’s KidsCare, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), expired several days ago even though the program is authorized through Oct. 1, 2019; Congressional action is need to reauthorize funding.
KidsCare is available to children in families that don’t qualify for regular Medicaid and who make under 200% of federal poverty level (FPL). The program is run by AHCCCS and currently covers about 23,000 Arizona children.
Even though the program hasn’t been reauthorized by the October 1, 2017 deadline, AHCCCS still has enough funding to continue the program for a few weeks. The U.S. House and Senate have introduced separate versions of CHIP funding that would send funds to states through FY 2022 but would also gradually reduce federal contributions.
Physicians are encouraged to contact their legislators to strongly urge continuation of this very important program. You can find a listing of Federal legislators here.