New Ideas to Support Pima County Healthcare: Reflections On PCMS In 2024 By: Dennis Carey,…
Volunteers Needed to Help with Initial Phase of COVID-19 Vaccination Dispensing Process
The Pima County Health Department is in need of volunteers to help for the Phase 1A of the COVID-19 vaccination dispensing process. The county health department and local hospitals are partnering in this initial phase. The hospitals will provide drive-thru dispensing.
Medical professionals who are able to administer vaccinations and assist at the inoculation stations are needed. Other roles needed will be to assist in the medical tent, provide screening and consultation and other general medical support functions. General volunteer support roles will also be needed. The specific roles and job action sheets will be available soon.
Two dispensing sites have been identified at Tucson Medical Center and Banner University Medical Center. The deployment dates and times are tentative and dependent upon the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine. (It has been communicated to be prepared for the arrival of the vaccinations in the next three to four weeks.)
If you are interested in volunteering with the COVID-19 vaccination dispensing effort in Pima County, please contact and provide your contact information and background. Pima County Health Department Volunteer Coordinator to begin onboarding and training volunteers.