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UA Asks For Help Reviewing Student Assessments
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected medical school students at the Banner University of Arizona College of Medicine. Instructors have been moved to clinical work leaving an instructor shortage. They have also changed from a person-to-person experience to a virtual experience.
Pima County medical Society members, who are internists or sub-specialists, or recently retired, can assist future physicians, by grading four to five H&Ps per week. Early third-year medical students receive subjective and objective data and are asked to complete the Assessment and Plan. The College of Medicine needs help grading these A/P portions of the write-ups. Internists will be asked to comment on these write-ups.
Physicians or retired physicians who are interested in working on this project can contact:
Julia Jernberg, MD
Ambulatory Medicine Block Director
Integrative Medicine in Residency Site Leader, Internal Medicine
Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, and Integrative Medicine
University of Arizona-Banner
Amy Sussman, MD
Associate Professor, Medicine
Program Director, Nephrology Fellowship
Clerkship Director, Department of Medicine
Vice Chair of Education, Department of Medicine