The Pima County Medical Society is asking physicians to contact their Representatives to ask them…
Tucson Walk with a Doc resumes in September
Tucson Walk with a Doc resumes September 14th
Mark your calendar, Walk with a Doc is back in session! The September Walk with a Doc event is scheduled for Saturday, September 14th with Sarah Kilic MD, Arizona Oncology. Her topic will be the latest treatments in radiation therapy.
Save the Date! Upcoming 2024 Walk with a Doc:
October 12th : Christina Kraft, Dentist and Life Medicine Coach
November 9th: TBA
December 14th: Courtney Anderson, UA Pediatric Medicine Resident
November 9th: TBA
December 14th: Courtney Anderson, UA Pediatric Medicine Resident
NEW! Get Paid to Walk with Grouper
Unleash the power of social fitness with Grouper. If you, or any of your patients are 65+, your qualifying health plan pays you to stay engaged in Walk with a Doc — because walking and having fun are good for your health! Check your eligibility here.