Tucson Walk with a Doc resumes September 14th Mark your calendar, Walk with a Doc is back in…
New Exhibit Planned for TMC Museum
New Exhibit Planned for TMC Museum
Following up on the well received History of TMC Nursing exhibit sited, current efforts seek medical artefacts and historical materials for a similar exhibit, featuring OB, Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Neonatology.
TMC Museum curators Jerry Freund, Ron Spark, M.D. and Pal Evans, M.D. invite participation to add to their contributions by contacting them. The exhibit is planned be sited near TMC Labor & Delivery, hopefully by the end of the year.
The late Reba Grubb, R.N. initiated collecting for the TMC Museum in the mid 70s. Fruend, Spark and Evans, who continue her efforts, are retired TMC Alumni. Their recent success has led to spearhead other Exhibit efforts.