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Dr. Katzenberg Gives UA Arthritis Center Lecture Sept. 5
“From Sick Care to Health Care: Lifestyle Medicine and the Prevention of Chronic Disease,” will be presented Wednesday, Sept. 5, 6-7:15 p.m., at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson, DuVal Auditorium, 1501 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson. The 75-minute presentation will include time for questions and answers.
Former PCMS President Charles A. Katzenberg, MD, FACC, will address issues of chronic diseases, while offering evidence-based preventive measures. He will discuss the difference between preventing and treating chronic disease, advances in lifestyle medicine, acute and chronic inflammation, the emerging science about the microbiome and the tools people can use to reduce disease risk. Other topics will include the links between arthritis and heart disease, the heart-brain connection, opportunities offered by wearable technology and the key modifiable risk factors for arthritis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and Alzheimer’s.
Preventable chronic diseases and conditions account for the majority of health-care costs, disability and mortality in the United States, where one in two adults has a chronic disease and one in four has two or more. Chronic diseases are responsible for seven of 10 deaths each year and account for 86 percent of the nation’s $2.7 trillion in annual health-care expenditures. Although heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, representing nearly one in four deaths, arthritis is the most common cause of disability. Of the nearly 54 million adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis, more than 23 million note difficulty with their usual activities because of arthritis.
This lecture is presented in partnership with the UA Sarver Heart Center. Seating is limited and prior registration is requested. For more information or to register, please visit the UA Arthritis Center website, www.arthritis.arizona.edu, or call 520-626-5040 or email livinghealthy@arthritis.arizona.edu. The UA Arthritis Center offers validation of parking tickets for the Banner – UMC Tucson Visitor/Patient Parking Garage during “Living Healthy With Arthritis” lectures. Tickets can be validated by a UA Arthritis Center staff member in the hospital lobby before or after the lecture. If you have questions concerning access, wish to request a Sign Language interpreter or disability-related accommodations, please contact Tracy Shake, 520-626-5040, email:livinghealthy@arthritis.arizona.edu.