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A message from Pima County Health Department
COVID oral antivirals
Dear Pima County Medical Providers,
COVID-19 is being transmitted at record levels in Pima County and our health care system is under enormous stress to care for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients. Arizona now has access to therapies that can decrease severity of disease in our most vulnerable patients. Oral antivirals are now available in at least two pharmacies across Pima County in limited quantity. Because of the scarce supply, the Arizona Vaccine and Antiviral Prioritization Advisory Committee (VAPAC) has recommended that the initial supply be prescribed to individuals:
70 years old and older
who are immunocompromised
(i.e. HIV, cancer and/or transplant patients or patients on chronic steroids for rheumatological conditions).
Prescribers should check eligibility (and medication interactions) prior to writing the prescription. Prescriptions should only be written for individuals with lab-proven COVID-19 infection and within five days of onset of symptoms. These medications are available only in select pharmacies throughout Pima County. Health care providers and patients can call 211 or the Arizona Poison Control Systems COVID-19 Hotline (844-542-8201) for locations of pharmacies carrying the medications nearest them.
Paxlovid Fact Sheet for Providers
Molnupiravir Fact Sheet for Providers
Theresa Cullen, MD, MS
Pima County Public Health Director