Tucson Walk with a Doc resumes September 14th Mark your calendar, Walk with a Doc is back in…
2020 Match Day Announcement Celebration Has Been Canceled
It is with a heavy heart to inform that Dean Michael M.I. Abecassis, MD, MBA, in consultation with University of Arizona Health Sciences and College of Medicine – Tucson leadership, has made the very difficult decision to change the format of Match Day on Friday, March 20. At this time, the College of Medicine – Tucson is not having a Match Day ceremony.
It is fully understood that medical students have been looking forward to Match Day for almost four years. This was not an easy decision to make.
Match Day ceremonies around the country are being modified or canceled in light the COVID-19 outbreak. Ultimately the commitment is to the health of students and their loved ones, some of whom may be at increased risk for complications from COVID-19 based on age or health conditions.
Here’s to celebrating your great success in a manner consonant with minimizing the risk to all involved!
For more information, click here.